2022-12-08 16:15 || 1.0.0
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  • Telefon: (+36) 1 489-52-00 | E-mail: info@bhc.hu


    How to avail yourself of the discounts offered on our services

    In line with our customer-oriented approach, we strive to make our quality services available to as many of our patients as possible. In the spirit of this, we have collected the options with which our services can be used on more favorable terms:

    • Every month, we announce a special sale during which certain tests are available at a significant discount of up to 20%. You can find out about our promotion valid this month on this page.
    • The discounts are available depending on the availability of places. The sooner you find out about them, the more likely you are to get an appointment, so it is worth subscribing to our newsletter.
    • We offer a 10% to 20% discount to certain bankcard holders on all our outpatient services.
    • Since we are in contact with all the major health funds, members do not only benefit by paying less taxes but can take advantage of their regualrly advertised special offerings.
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    Take care of your health!

      Take advantage of our comprehensive annual screening tests! Interested >>