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    Global Spine Congress

    Jelen cikk 2022.02.21. előtt készült.

    Utolsó módosítás dátuma: 2022-04-29

    Ez a cikk több mint 2 éve frissült utoljára. Kérjük, olvasáskor vegye ezt figyelembe!

    The Global Spine Congress is one of the largest world congresses of spine care professionals organized every two years by AOSpine International.  AOSpine is the international community of spine surgeons organized with the goal of generating, distributing, and exchanging knowledge to advance science and spine care worldwide.

    The doctors of the National Center for Spinal Disorders, the hospital division of the Buda Health Center, presented their lectures as part of one of the largest European delegations at the Congress. 

    On the first day of the Congress, the spinal tumor scientific group held its meetings in which our Director, Peter Paul Varga, MD was one of the eight invited leading spine surgeons.  The invitation was in recognition of the determining scientific role our institute plays in research projects conducted together with prestigious Italian, British, North American, Canadian, Japanese and Australian institutions.

    The following lectures regarding our ongoing work, research and results were presented by our medical staff:

    • Combination of Fusion and Motion Preservation in the Surgical Treatment of Degenerative Cervical Disc Disease - András Bánk, MD
    • Custom made (PMMA) Intervertebral Spacer in TLIF Preliminary Results of a Prospective Randomised Trial – Márton Rónai, MD
    • Biomechanical Evaluation of Interbody Devices by Using Mechanical Compressive Test: PEEK Spacers Versus PMMA Cement Spacers - Tibor Csákány, MD
    • A Cluster Based Method for the Preoperative Identification of Lumbar Degenerative Patients Having Higher Risk for Poor Global Outcome – Áron Lazáry, MD
    • Gene and Protein Expression Pattern of Cytokines in Disc Herniation Depend on Time of Symptoms – Árpád Bozsódi, MD
    • Adjacent Segment Degeneration after Cervical Disc Surgery. Comparison of one Level Cervical Disc Arthroplasty Versus Anterior Cervical Interbody Fusion: Seven Year Radiological Follow Up – Balázs Szöllősi, MD
    • Prognostic Variables for Local Recurrence and Overall Survival After Surgical Treatment of Sacral Chordoma - An Analysis from AOSpine Tumor Knowledge Forum Primary Spinal Tumor Retrospective Database – Péter Pál Varga, MD
    • Surgical Site Infection after Primary Degenerative lumbar spine surgeries and its effect on long-term outcome – István Klemencsics, MD
    • Responsiveness of different validated patient reported outcome measurements in cervical spine care – István Klemencsics, MD

    Feel free to contact our specialists!

    At the Buda Health Center, you have the opportunity to attend the private practices of more than 300 renowned specialists, offering expertise in nearly 45 medical specialisms, at five locations. Personalized care is provided by a well-trained and empathetic staff of professionals, who have been working together for a long time. Based on our 23 years of experience and the feedback received from our 450,000 clients, we are constantly working to organize our healthcare services in the most efficient way possible for those who visit us, paying respect to their needs and time.

    Book an appointment on weekdays between 08:00 and 20:00 on +36 1 489-5200!

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