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    "Patient-specific spine and musculoskeletal surgery is the future."

    Létrehozás dátuma: 2023. December 18. Hétfő 12:48

    Utolsó módosítás dátuma: 2023-12-19

    The In Silico Biomechanics Laboratory (ISBL), a unique research and development laboratory, celebrates its 5th anniversary. The Budapest-based research laboratory organised an international knowledge-sharing symposium and technology exhibition to mark this important milestone.

    The internationally recognised laboratory develops and manufactures instruments that can support physicians in planning and performing surgeries accurately and efficiently and help patients understand the operation process.

    The In Silico Biomechanics Laboratory (ISBL) is part of the National Center for Spinal Disorders (NCSD) and the Buda Health Center (BHC). The laboratory was established in 2018 thanks to the efforts and work of Péter Endre Éltes MD, head of the laboratory, and Áron Lazáry MD, scientific director. Over the past five years, the laboratory has been involved in numerous publications, international and national grants, and projects.

    „A személyre szabott gerinc- és mozgásszervi sebészeté a jövő”

    Clinical researchers and research engineers work together in the lab to develop innovative solutions based on state-of-the-art scientific and technological products and methods and to help integrate them into clinical practice. The research combines medical science and engineering to achieve this goal, using the tools of in silico medicine (computer-aided precise and personalised medicine).

    The international network of collaborations is an inspiring and catalysing force in the life of the lab, as good cooperation with universities, other labs, and innovative companies is a significant factor in the success of development projects through information exchange. More than 60 participants from 5 countries attended the international knowledge-sharing symposium organised to celebrate ISBL's 5th anniversary. During the event, the lab members presented the important events, research projects, and results of the last years, and 6 foreign experts, including 2 professors (from the Universities of Bologna and Sheffield), gave a presentation on the clinical use of innovations.

    The presentations and a panel discussion focused on two main topics: in silico biomechanics of the spine and clinical 3D printing. There was also a discussion of finite element simulation, clinical use of artificial intelligence, individual-specific computer models, the relationship between in vitro and in silico biomechanics, computer-aided prediction, virtual surgical planning, and surgical template fabrication. The latter studies aim to help physicians by allowing the surgeon to prepare for potential difficulties arising from the patient's anatomy before surgery.

    „A személyre szabott gerinc- és mozgásszervi sebészeté a jövő”

    The exhibition, which ran in parallel with the scientific presentations, also featured a 3D printer using a completely new technology that can print in two directions simultaneously and produce the product twice as fast as traditional filament-extruding printers. The device on display is expected to print anatomical models to help understand a patient's unique anatomy.

    Participants could also try out 3D scanners, watch the surgical planning process in VR glasses, and view anatomical models and surgical templates printed by the ISBL.

    „A személyre szabott gerinc- és mozgásszervi sebészeté a jövő”

    An outstanding part of the symposium was the presentation of the ISBL Award, which was a tribute to two of the people who have made the lab a success. One of the awards was given to Péter Pál Varga MD, a spine surgeon and spine specialist responsible for the research and development vision that led to the establishment of the ISBL.

    „A személyre szabott gerinc- és mozgásszervi sebészeté a jövő”

    Péter Pál Varga MD founded the Buda Health Center and the National Center for Spinal Disorders. His work in spine medicine is groundbreaking internationally and nationally, and he has received numerous medical awards.

    István Nadj, CEO of the CAD-Terv Group, is the other winner of the ISBL Award. He is credited with bringing engineering and medicine together, integrating computer simulation technology based on finite element analysis into laboratory workflows. This interdisciplinary collaboration has led to unique research focused on spinal medicine.

    „A személyre szabott gerinc- és mozgásszervi sebészeté a jövő”

    Since the launch of the ISBL, the lab has added 3D printing, surgical planning, and artificial intelligence applications to digital simulation. To keep up with the growing needs of the lab, the facilities have also undergone significant upgrading.

    What is the future, and what plans does ISBL have for 2024? The PMS (Personalised Medical Solutions) program will open a new chapter in the laboratory's life. Personalised 3D models, created based on data collected from patients' medical imaging scans and motions, can significantly assist specialists. The aim is to make these developments available as a clinical care support service, thus helping promote personalised spine and musculoskeletal surgery and improve patient recovery.
    To view the digital publication reviewing the last five years of the ISBL, click on the link below:

    The first 5 years of the In Silico Biomechanics Laboratory

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