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  • Telefon: (+36) 1 489-52-00 | E-mail: info@bhc.hu
    Ada Kása Dorottya

    Kása, Dorottya, Ada

    For appointments and further information, please call +36 1 489 5200, Monday to Friday from 8.00. am. till 8.00. pm.

    Medical specialism

    • Feeling stuck in life 
    • Difficulties and crises in relationships
    • Conflicts in relationships
    • Self-esteem issues
    • Anxiety problems
    • Mood problems
    • Self-knowledge issues
    • Stress management
    • Difficulties related to lifestyle changes
    • Coping with chronic diseases
    • Spinal and other somatic and psychosomatic problems
    • Preparation for surgery

    Professional experience

    • 2017 – : Psychological Outpatient Clinic, National Center for Spinal Disorders, Psychologist
    • 2019 – : Buda Health Center

    Education and qualifications

    • 2015: BA in psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
    • 2017: MA in clinical and health psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
    • 2017– : Specialty training in clinical and mental hygiene adult psychology, Faculty of General Medicine and Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs

    Professional and society membership

    • Hungarian Psychological Association

    Language of consultation

    • Hungarian

    Scientific activity

    • Articles, publications

    Stoll D. P., Kása D. A., Dr. Lazáry J. (2017) Lower back pain and depression. (Derékfájás és depresszió.) Gerincgyógyászati Szemle, 2017/2., p. 126-135.

    Kövi Zs., Kovács K., Szappanos Cs., Kása D., Péter-Szarka Sz., Faragó B., Dávid M., Rózsa S. (2016). Age developmental pattern and correlates of performance in the n-back task. (Az N-vissza feladatban nyújtott teljesítmény életkori fejlődési mintázata és korrelátumai.) Psychologia Hungarica, IV/1. 86–126.

    Kövi Zs., Grezsa F., Mirnics Zs., Rózsa S., Vargha A., Kása D., Koós T., Vass Z. (2016). Spiritual and mental well-being as a protective factor in substance abuse. (Spirituális lelki jóllét mint szerhasználati protektív tényező.) In: Sepsi, E. – Lovász, I. – Kiss, G. – Faludy, J. (eds.): Vallás és művészet. Károli könyvek. Budapest, L'Harmattan, 31-44.

    Kövi Zs., Grezsa F., Mirnics Zs., Rózsa S., Vargha A., Kása D., Koós T., Vass Z. (2015): Religious and mental well-being in primary and secondary school students. (A vallásosság és a lelki jóllét alakulása általános és középiskolásoknál.) Vallástudományi Szemle, 3-4, p. 58-69.

    Kövi, Zs., Hevesi, K., Rózsa, S., Jaksic, N., Kása, D., Mirnics, Zs., Mersdorf, A., Vass, Z. (2014). Indicators of Pathological Narcissism in the Sixty Second Drawing Test. Confinia Psychopathologica, 2(2), 45-79

    • Presentations 

    Kása D., Kuczogi G., Lovas É., Kövi Zs., Rózsa S., Jaksic N., Mirnics Zs., Vass Z. (2015). Indicators of pathological narcissism in the Sixty Second Drawing Test. (Patológiás nárcizmus mutatói a Hatvan Másodperces Rajztesztben.) Humans in a world of ever-changing technological environment. (LÉLEK-NET A LÉLEKNEK: Az ember a változó technikai közegek világában.) 24th National Scientific Congress of the Hungarian Psychological Association. May 28-30, 2015 Eger, Eszterházy Károly College.

    • Posters

    Kuczogi G., Lovas É., Kása D., Kövi Zs., Vass Z. (2015). Sixty Seconds Drawing Test in the assessment of materialism and spiritual well-being. (Hatvan Másodperces Rajzteszt a materializmus és lelki jóllét mérésében.) Posters HPA 24th Congress, Eger

    Kövi Zs., Bagdy E., Homoki L., Kása D. (2015). Psychological problems and solutions for pastors. (Lelki problémák és megoldások lelkészeknél.) Posters HPA 24th Congress, Eger

    Kása D., Lovas É., Surányi Zs., Mirnics Zs., Bagdy E. (2014). A perfekcionizmus problémamintázatának kvantitatív vizsgálata. (Quantitative assessment of the problem patterns of perfectionism.) Posters HPA 23rd Congress, Târgu Mure?

    Feel free to contact our specialists!

    At the Buda Health Center, you have the opportunity to attend the private practices of more than 300 renowned specialists, offering expertise in nearly 45 medical specialismsat five locations. Personalized care is provided by a well-trained and empathetic staff of professionals, who have been working together for a long time. Based on our 23 years of experience and the feedback received from our 450,000 clients, we are constantly working to organize our healthcare services in the most efficient way possible for those who visit us, paying respect to their needs and time.