Bozsódi, Árpád, MD
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Medical specialism
- Spinal tumors
- Molecular biology of spinal tumors
- Spinal instability
- Biomechanics of the spine
Professional experience
- 2011-present: National Center For Spinal Disorders, Budapest resident
- 2012-2015: Semmelweis University – PhD sudent, topic: spinal tumors
- 2020-present: Buda Health Center
Education and qualifications
- 2020: orthopedics and traumatology specialist examination
- 2005-2011 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Targu Mures, Romania
- 2001-2005 “Ady Endre“ Teoretic High School, Oradea, Romania.
Language of consultation
- Hungarian
Professional and society membership
- Hugarian Orhtopedic Society
- Hungarian Spine Society
- AOSpine
Scientific activity
Grants and projects
- 2012-2015 Hungarian OTKA PD104604 (research fellow)
- 2012-2013 Eurospine Task Force on Research (research fellow)
Attendance of courses and workshops
- Task Force Research Course, 2013, Prague
- Medtronic Summer Unyversity, 2014, Athens
- AO Spine Masters course 2013, Budapest
- AO Spine Masters course 2014, Budapest
- AO Spine Masters course 2015, Bologna
- Scientific Students' Associations Conference 2010 Targu Mures II.place, Orthopedisc and Traumatologi session
- Congress of the Transilvanian Museum Society 2011. Satu Mare, Romania: Best presentation in orthopedic session
- Scientific forum of Korányi Frigyes 2011 Budapest III.Place
- Combined Congress of Hugaryan Orthopedic Society, and Hungaryan Traumatologic Society 2013, III.Place
- Combined Congress of Hugaryan Orthopedic Society, and Hungaryan Traumatologic Society 2013, III..Place
- Hungaryan orthopedic society congress 2013-Forum of young doctors III-rd place
- Zinner Nándor Memorial research proposal 2015- I-st place
- Hungaryan orthopedic society congress 2015-Forum of young doctors III-rd place
- Zinner Nándor Memorial research proposal 2017- I-st place
Clinical Decision Making: Integrating Advances in the Molecular Understanding of Spine Tumors.
Goodwin CR1, Abu-Bonsrah N, Bilsky M, Reynolds J, Rhines LD, Laufer I, Disch AC, Bozsodi A, Patel S, Gokaslan ZL, Sciubba DM, Bettegowda C.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Aug 3 DOI:10.1097/BRS.0000000000001836
Risk factors for surgical site infection in elective routine degenerative lumbar surgeries.
Klemencsics I, Lazary A, Szoverfi Z, Bozsodi A, Eltes P, Varga PP.
Spine J. 2016 Nov;16(11):1377-1383. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2016.08.018. Epub 2016 Aug 9.
Muscle strength is associated with vitamin D receptor gene variants.
Bozsodi A, Boja S, Szilagyi A, Somhegyi A, Varga PP, Lazary A.
J Orthop Res. 2016 Mar 2. doi: 10.1002/jor.23220
Szövérfi Z, Lazáry A, Bozsódi A, Klemencsics I, Eltes P, Varga PP - Primary Spinal Tumor Mortality Score (PSTMS): a novel scoring system for predicting poor survival. Spine J. 2014 Mar 17. pii: S1529-9430(14)00250-2. doi: 0.1016/j.spinee.2014.03.009
Primary Spinal Tumor Mortality Score (PSTMS): a novel scoring system for predicting poor survival.
Szövérfi Z, Lazáry A, Bozsódi A, Klemencsics I, Eltes P, Varga PP
Spine J. 2014 Mar 17. pii: S1529-9430(14)00250-2. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2014.03.009.
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Hungarian version of the Core Outcome Measures Index for the back (COMI Back).
Klemencsics I, Lazary A, Valasek T, Szoverfi Z, Bozsodi A, Eltes P, Fekete TF, Varga PP.
Eur Spine J. 2015 Jan 9
Validation of the Hungarian version of the Roland-Morris disability questionnaire.
Valasek T, Varga PP, Szövérfi Z, Bozsodi A, Klemencsics I, Fekete L, Lazary A.
Disabil Rehabil. 2015;37(1):86-90. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2014.909536. Epub 2014 Apr 21
Important lectures
Bozsodi Árpád, Lazáry Áron, Papp Gergő, Scholtz Beáta, Varga Péter Pál – A chordoma kialakulásának genetikai háttere: a fúziós gének szerepe – MOT, MTT 2017, Nyíregyháza
Bozsodi Árpád, Lazáry Áron, Papp Gergő, Scholtz Beáta, Varga Péter Pál – A chordoma kialakulásának genetikai háttere: a fúziós gének szerepe – MGT 2016, Bükfürdő
A. Bozsodi Lazáry Áron, Papp Gergő, Sápi Zoltán, Varga Péter Pál: A Brachyury szerepe a chordoma onkogenezisében –MOT, MTT, Sárvár 2015
A. Bozsodi, Aron Lazary, Peter Paul Varga: Cytokine profile in herniated lumbar disc changes with time of sciatica – Global Spine Congress, Buenos Aires 2015
A. Bozsodi, P. P. Varga, C. G. Fisher, L. D. Rhines, Z. L. Gokaslan, S. Boriani, Á. Lazary, W. Wang, S. Yip, C. Bettegowda - Prognostic Significance of T Gene SNP rs2305089 in Individuals With Spinal Column Chordoma – EMSOS 2014, Wienna
Arpad Bozsodi, Aron Lazary, Annamaria Somhegyi, Peter Paul Varga - Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms are associated with muscle performance – PhD congress 2014, Budapest
Bozsódi Árpád, Lazáry Áron, Boja Sára, Szilágyi Ágnes, Somhegyi Annamária, Varga Péter Pál - A D-vitamin receptor gén polimorfizmusainak összefüggése az izomteljesítménnyel - MOT-MTT Közös Kongresszusa 2013 Fiatalok Fóruma
Bozsódi Árpád, Lazáry Áron, Szövérfi Zsolt, Varga Péter Pál- A chordoma molekuláris onkogenezise – A Magyar Gerincgyógyászati Társaság Éves Kongresszusa 2012
Bozsódi Árpád, Lazáry Áron, Szövérfi Zsolt, Varga Péter Pál – Instabilitás metasztatikus gerincdaganatok esetében – Diagnosztika és műtéti kezelés, 2012, Orvostudományi Értesítő, 85. kötet, 2.különszám: 4
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