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  • Telefon: (+36) 1 489-52-00 | E-mail: info@bhc.hu

    Complex Treatment of Spinal Disorders

    Márciusi kedvezmények


    The complex examination and treatment of symptoms and complaints are of special importance in musculoskeletal surgery and in the conservative care of the spine. The Buda Health Center is equipped to perform all the functions of a state-of-the-art spine center, from diagnostic examinations to a wide spectrum of therapies. Hospital care may also be provided, when needed.

    In the field of spinal medicine and spinal surgery, special attention is paid to the complex investigation and treatment of spinal complaints.

    Diagnosis, Examination Procedures

    The examinations aim to discover the causes of disorders of the spine and the source of pain of the spine. In addition to the physical examinations and consultations, laboratory tests and radiological examinations may be done on site as well as the much needed MRI imaging necessary for diagnosing pathologies such as herniated discs and disc degeneration. Computer tomography (CT) is also available together with other diagnostics such as bone isotope and bone densitometry (for bone density measurement). In cases where the source of the spinal pain is not the spine, the wide range of available medical treatments will make it possible to run additional tests for setting up a differential diagnosis.

    Therapies, Treatments

    Conservative, that is non-surgical care, is available on an outpatient or, if needed, inpatient basis*. The treatments consist of movement therapy, individual physical therapy specific to the Patient's condition, various electrotherapy methods, IV injection treatments, manual therapy and health massage under the supervision of the treating doctor.

    The treatments are provided at our hospital division, the National Center for Spinal Disorders*, set up with the latest state-of-the-art equipment for the complex surgical or conservative treatment of all spinal disorders.

    Feel free to contact our specialists!

    At the Buda Health Center, you have the opportunity to attend the private practices of more than 300 renowned specialists, offering expertise in nearly 45 medical specialisms, at five locations. Personalized care is provided by a well-trained and empathetic staff of professionals, who have been working together for a long time. Based on our 23 years of experience and the feedback received from our 450,000 clients, we are constantly working to organize our healthcare services in the most efficient way possible for those who visit us, paying respect to their needs and time.

    Book an appointment on weekdays between 08:00 and 20:00 on +36 1 489-5200!

    Take care of your health!

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