Klemencsics, István, MD, PhD
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Medical specialism
- Spinal infections
- Surgical site infection
- Negative pressure wound therapy
- Surgical treatment of degenerative diseases of the cervical and lumbar spine
Professional experience
- 2020 - : Buda Health Center, Budapest, Hungary and National Center for Spinal Disorders, Budapest, Hungary, spine surgeon
- 2015 - 2020: National Center for Spinal Disorders, Budapest, Hungary, spine surgeon fellow
- 2012 - 2015: National Center for Spinal Disorders, Budapest, Hungary, medical researcher
Education and qualifications
- 2015 - 2020: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine, Budapest, Resident training: orthopedic-traumatology resident
- 2012 - 2018: Semmelweis University, School of PH.D Studies, Budapest, PhD fellow
- 2006 - 2012: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine, Budapest, Medical Doctor (MD)
Language of consultation
- Hungarian
- English
Professional and society membership
- Hungarian Spine Society
- AOSpine Hungary
Scientific activity
Risk factors for surgical site infection in elective routine degenerative lumbar surgeries. Istvan Klemencsics, MD; Aron Lazary, MD, PhD; Zsolt Szoverfi, MD; Arpad Bozsodi, MD; Peter Eltes, MD; Peter Pal Varga, MD The Spine Journal. 2016 Nov;16(11):1377-1383. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2016.08.018.
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Hungarian version of the Core Outcome Measures Index for the back (COMI Back). Klemencsics I, Lazary A, Valasek T, Szoverfi Z, Bozsodi A, Eltes P, Fekete TF, Varga PP. Eur Spine J. 2016 Jan;25(1):257-64. doi: 10.1007/s00586-014-3750-8.
Primary Spinal Tumor Mortality Score (PSTMS): a novel scoring system for predicting poor survival. Szövérfi Z, Lazáry A, Bozsódi A, Klemencsics I, Eltes P, Varga PP, Spine J. 2014 Mar 17.
Validation of the Hungarian version of the Roland-Morris disability questionnaire. Valasek T, Varga PP, Szövérfi Z, Bozsodi A, Klemencsics I, Fekete L, Lazary A., Disabil Rehabil. 2014 Apr 21.
Application of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in spinal infectinons. Istvan Klemencsics, Aron Lazary, Peter Pal Varga. LINK for Wound Healing. A congress powered by Hartmann. 18th-19th Setember 2017. Belfast Waterfront Conference Center
Patient-clusters are significantly associated with the outcome of single level lumbar fusions. A. Lazary, Z. Szoverfi, A. Bozsodi, I. Klemencsics, P. P. Varga, Global Spine Congress 2013: Hong Kong
Combination of fusion and motion preservation in the surgical treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease. B. Szollosi , A. Bank , I. Klemencsics , A. Lazary , P. P. Varga, Global Spine Congress 2013: Hong Kong
Adjacent segment degeneration after cervical disc surgery. Comparison of one level cervical disc arthroplasty versus anterior cervical interbody fusion: five year radiological follow up. B. Szollosi, I. Klemencsics, A. Lazary, P. P. Varga, Global Spine Congress 2013: Hong Kong
Radiologic examination of the acromiohumeral distance after subacromial decompression. G. Skaliczki, T. Zelei, I. Klemencsics, P. Magyar, I. Antal, EFORT 2013: June 2013 Istanbul, Turkey
Subacromialis impingement szindróma miatt operált betegek utánkövetéses vizsgálata. Számít a decompressio? Skaliczki G., Zelei T., Klemencsics I., Magyar P., Antal I., MOT-MTT közös kongresszusa, Budapest, 2013.
Surgical site infection after primary degenerative lumbar spine surgeries and its effect on long-term outcome. Istvan Klemencsics, Aron Lazary, Peter Paul Varga, PhD Scientific Meeting, Semmelweis University, Budapest, 2014.
Medium-term follow up of non-fusion lumbar stabilization from viewpoint of adjacent segment pathology. Zoltan Hoffer, Istvan Klemencsics, Maria Puhl, Peter Paul Varga. 10th Central European Orthopaedic Congress (CEOC) from 8th to 11th May, 2014 in Split, Croatia.
Identification of outcome predictors and the ’at-risk’ subgroup in patients requiring surgical treatment because of lumbar disc degeneration. Aron Lazary, Istvan Klemencsics, Peter Eltes, Peter Paul Varga. EuroSpine 2014, Lyon
Surgical site infection after primary degenerative lumbar spine surgeries and its effect on long-term outcome. Istvan Klemencsics, Aron Lazary, Peter Paul Varga, PhD Scientific Meeting, Semmelweis University, Budapest, 2015.
A cluster based method for the preoperative identification of lumbar degenerative patients having higher risk for poor global outcome. A. Lazary, A. Bozsodi, I. Klemencsics, E.P. Eltes, P.P. Varga. Global spine congress, May 20–23, 2015; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Adjacent segment degeneration after cervical disc surgery. Comparison of one level cervical disc arthroplasty versus anterior cervical interbody fusion: seven year radiological follow up. B. Szollosi, I. Klemencsics, A. Lazáry. Global spine congress, May 20–23, 2015; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Surgical site infection after primary degenerative lumbar spine surgeries and its effect on long-term outcome. I. Klemencsics, A. Lazary, Z. Szoverfi, A. Bozsodi, P.E. Eltes, P.P. Varga. Global spine congress, Best paper session, May 20–23, 2015; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Responsiveness of different validated patient reported outcome measurements in cervical spine care. I. Klemencsics, A. Lazary, A. Bozsodi, B. Szollosi, P.P. Varga. Global spine congress, May 20–23, 2015; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Application of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in spinal infectinons. Istvan Klemencsics, Aron Lazary, Peter Pal Varga. LINK for Wound Healing. A congress powered by Hartmann. 18th-19th Setember 2017. Belfast Waterfront Conference Center
- LINK for Wound Healing. A congress powered by Hartmann. Belfast
- BBB Spine Meeting on Tumors & Osteoporosis, Basel, Switzerland
- Global Spine Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentin
- Basic Basic Instructional Course in Bone Tumours, Budapest, Hungary
- Summer University: Today’s Realities In Spine Surgery, Athens
- EuroSpine Congress, Lyon, France
- EuroSpine: Task Force Research Course, Prague, Czech Republic
- AOSpine Advanced Symposium – Spine Surgery in Elderly, Budapest, Hungary
Clinical Studies
- A randomized, double-blind, multi-dose, placebo-controlled phase 2/3 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of fasinumab in patients with moderate to severe chronic low back pain
- A phase 2b, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Staphylococcus aureus 4-antigen vaccine (sa4ag) in adults undergoing elective open posterior spinal fusion procedures with multilevel instrumentation
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