2022-12-08 16:15 || 1.0.0
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    All conventional radiographic methods are based on ionizing radiation in the form of x-rays. A significant number of these examination methods (i.e., bone and chest radiography, mammography, etc.) have maintained their leading positions even in the face of newer diagnostic methods and are still, in many instances, first in providing definitive answers to given clinical questions.

    A chest radiograph, commonly called a chest x-ray, is used to diagnose various conditions affecting the chest, principally, the lungs. Radiographs, or x-rays, are used to assess bone fractures, bone infection, osteoporosis, joint sprains, joint degeneration and spinal deformities. X-rays also play an important part in diagnosing tumorous diseases and abdominal complaints and in identifying dental problems. In the case of children, x-rays can also be a very useful tool in locating and identifying swallowed foreign objects.


    Most radiographic examinations do not require special preparation. The only requirements are that you not wear any jewelry or eyeglasses and no metals may be found on the body since any area covered by metal would appear on the x-ray, limiting the value of the information provided.

    The Porcedure

    You will have to stay still, not move at all, while one or more images are prepared of the affected area of your body. The examination, in itself, is painless. The position you may be required maintain and having to hold your breath for a time, may be uncomfortable.


    Women should let the x-ray technician know if they are pregnant, or if there is even the possibility of pregnancy since the x-rays may have damaging affects on the fetus. X-rays should be avoided during pregnancy.

    With modern, state-of-the-art x-ray equipment and proper examination methods, the body is exposed to a minimal amount of x-rays. In some cases, however, x-ray damage may occur, on the one hand, to the male and female reproductive organs and, on the other, to the blood forming organs. Any x-ray examinations for women of reproductive age, must be done prudently.

    The Patient will receive the report of the results in written form and the x-ray on a CD.